Marie Sharp's No Wimps Allowed Habañero Pepper Sauce 5OZ.


Marie Sharp's No Wimps Allowed Habañero Pepper Sauce

Marie Sharp's No Wimps Allowed Habañero Pepper Sauce - Warning: You must be strong to handle this sauce. You say you like it hot Well, here's the challenge that will prove it...or not. Specially blended for devoted heat seekers with great taste. Keep out of reach of children. Avoid contact with eyes or skin. Do not play tricks on the weak or elderly with this sauce. Great for cooking. Flavor soups, sauces, and stir fry's or add to boiling water for rice, pasta or broiled seafood.
No Fat, No Cholesterol
From: Belize
Ingredients: Select Red Habañero Peppers, Capsicum Oil, Fresh Carrots, White Vinegar, Salt, Onion, Tomato Puree, Lime Juice, Capsicum, Garlic, & Spices.
